The projects, past and present, that EBUKI runs or supports, are driving our mission of fostering Earth Building and Sustainability in the Built Environment.
Do you have a project idea to find funding and submit applications in partnership with EBUKI?
See the New Project page for next steps.
The aims and outcomes of our projects span all of the pillars in Our Mission, and are run by Project Officers from within and outside of the EBUKI Executive Committee.
The evolution of EBUKI can be seen in the history of our projects. Even ‘past’ projects are very much alive, providing foundational bases for many of the current projects.
Take time exploring the list of our past and present projects, or search for something specific.
Funding comes from a range of public and third sector sources, as well as the subscriptions and generous donations from our members.
Achieving funding for a project can be a complex and time-consuming task, which is why EBUKI’s core funds from things like membership are so important in allowing the organisation to put time into funding applications, so that projects like the ones you see below can continue.

Social Impact and Skills Sharing
EBUKI are using the outcomes of ECVET Earth and JUMP! Projects to engage hard to reach learners with earth and construction.
Project Lead: Becky Little
Projects Dates : 2019-2023 and ongoing
Location: Scotland, England
Funding: The Tudor Trust
Uplift is a network and peer support group for Social Impact Trainers using earth as a material. They meet monthly on zoom and had an in-person event in Todmorden.
Project Leads: Becky Little, Rebecca Reid, Emily Workman
Projects Dates : 2021 - present
Locations: UK and Online
Funding: Prince’s Foundation and Tudor Trust

Submit project reports
Send completed project photos, reports or links to videos to: projects@ebuki.co