Be part of our Directory
We at EBUKI hope to create the most comprehensive directory of Earth Building professionals, trainers, and enthusiasts. If you are any of these things and want to be a part of the conversation, fill the form out below and people will be able to find you and connect with you through our Directory. Let’s keep the movement going!
EBUKI does not filter the submissions to join our Directory. This means any details submitted through this form, other than reasonable exceptions (e.g., explicit/inappropriate content, multiple submissions for the same contact), will be included in the Directory. Featuring in our Directory is therefore not equivalent to being approved, certified, or recommended by EBUKI, and it would be inaccurate to use any of these words or similar in your own company language unless otherwise directly approved by EBUKI through separate means in writing. EBUKI takes no responsibility for any activities or transactions that occur as a result of individuals or businesses connecting via this Directory, and are not liable for any injuries, damages, or other results incurred as a result of interactions you take part in with individuals or businesses after connecting via this Directory.