Erasmus+ Mobilities
The Erasmus Mobilities scheme provides funding for the travel, subsistence, and training of learners from one country by an organisation in another.
This not only provides the opportunity to learn and experience another approach to a material and technique, but also provides exposure to a working method, an attitude, and a cultural setting which can cast an entirely new light on a topic and provide an insight into different local structures.
Project Leads: Sally Mareike, Becky Little, Tom Morton, Jeffrey Hart, Jamie Ingle, Miki Z, Jue Sota
2022, France, Germany, Spain, Estonia, Slovakia, Czechia

Spain - Estepa
Steppe oven including adobe mix and block making
18-25 July
Level Mixed
Estonia - MTU
Plastering skills
21-27 August
Level Experienced / autonomous
France - Amaco
Advanced training for designers with earth and fibre
13 to 16 September. Arrive on 12th, training days Tuesday to Friday
Level Trainers, Designers, Architects, Professionals.
Germany - Fal-ev
Rammed Earth
20-25 June
Level ECVET M or B3, experienced / autonomous
Slovakia - ArTur
Trowel skills and decorative plastering taster
27 June - 1 July (up to 5 days)
Level 2/3 beginner - intermediate
Czech Republic - Hlina
Repair & conservation of earth buildings
21-25 July.
Level Beginner to experienced
Courses involve tools and materials…
Ebuki have had two successful mobility applications, and have sent learners to six countries for training on a range of Earth Building techniques. This has in turn brought funding to our sister organisations and extended our wider network, creating a sense of solidarity and identity with Earth Building organisations across Europe.
Only EBUKI members could apply. Successful applicants had their training, accommodation and food paid for. They received a maximum of €275 for travel which was reimbursed on the submission of feedback and reports from each learner (with lots of nice pictures!)
Some courses are assessed, others discussed assessment needs.
If you missed out but want to go anyway we will happily share the details of the course providers for you to make your own arrangements.
Courses are friendly and informal with plenty of chances to plan, discuss, compare and discover the local scene
Successful applicants joined a growing number of learners to be exposed to the European network of organisations which has developed training, learning outcomes and trainer training over the past decade. Opportunities to discuss further networked events, plan more training or simply bring the skills home to share with colleagues is unlike anything else in the training world.
This was the last Erasmus+ funding available to the UK for now.
Erasmus+ Mobility Schemes
Schemes like this play an essential role in building a national organisation like Ebuki which relies so much on its team and the wider members to participate and be involved in a range of activities. Each mobility participant is both a candidate for becoming more involved in our activities in the future after receiving the opportunity, and an ambassador for Ebuki to our wider network going forwards.
There are two main Eramus+ Schemes Ebuki has used: KA1 and KA2. We have seen both funds play a large, sometimes vital, role in allowing partner organisations to host projects, who may not have had the funding to do so otherwise.
An event funded by the Erasmus+ Mobility Scheme
A purely monetary fund, providing funds Ebuki assigns to an individual for travel, subsistence and training abroad, with some funds used by Ebuki directly for the administration of the contract.
Funding for development of policy or the identification of best practice for Earth Building across Europe. This is typically in conjunction with a number of partner organisations across Europe, bringing in a variety of understanding and expertise to develop best practice or appropriate policy. These can be a fantastic opportunity for individuals and organisations to understant the wider context of how policy is developed, both in their local area and across Europe. This also helps Ebuki become better informed in ways to improve our own organisation, inspired to try new approaches learnt by individuals who take part in the scheme.
The European Commission website holds all the 2017-18 EBUKI Mobilities reports.
The ECVET earth website has detailed information about the ECVET assessment scheme.
The Erasmus+ website gives more details about the European scheme.
Relevant EBUKI links:
PIRATE project, JUMP project, First Erasmus+ programme & events Clayfest 2015
Knowledge and training available in other countries, travel costs can be a barrier to learning
Making training accessible to those who would otherwise not be able to travel
Funding from ERASMUS+ (KA1)
Team of 6 trip organisers + 26 trainees
6 trips to European partners for a total of 32 participants
Training in various earthen methods from trainers across Europe
In some cases ECVET qualifications for trainees, reports to share what was learned
Spreading and deepening of knowledge
A widening network of people with skills who are able to broaden opportunities for learners and trainers in earth building
Through the uptake of the National Occupational Standard (and qualifications through that) as well as the ECVET system