
Education Partner Logos
Training students in testing earth samples

The latest exciting game-changer for EBUKI sees us taking the Jump! Training for Trainers approach out to educational institutions.

EBUKI CEO Rowland Keable headshot

Project Lead:

Rowland Keable, Becky Little

2020-present, UK

Presentation to Bartlett students
Close up of earth sample testing

Ebuki have developed the ECVET Learning outcomes, the National Occupational Standard and the JUMP! Training for Trainers.

With these tools we are increasingly looking to both vocational and professional training bodies to implement our outcomes.

This means working with further and higher education bodies to create groups of teaching and training staff with earth design and build skills and knowledge.

We believe it is only with this level of 'institutional memory' that earth can be properly implemented as a taught and assessed subject.

Students experimenting with earth structures at the Bartlett

We have delivered training on site and virtually.
This is both a source of income for Ebuki and a training ground to bring highly sustainable material into the mainstream of design and construction.

Students focussing on earth sample tests

The EBUKI Flickr feed has many more images.

The EBUKI facebook page has more information including the latest exciting news and developments

Relevant EBUKI links:

This builds on the JUMP Project, which itself built on the PIRATE project

  • At both higher and vocational training levels, earth building has been entirely absent in both design and build.

    Bringing skills and knowledge particularly to teaching staff is the most effective means of changing curriculum.

  • Sharing the Jump training for trainers with educational institutions in the UK.

    Accessible training for mainstream that shares holistic materials and approaches.

  • Funding directly from the educational institutions

    Team of EBUKI trainers

  • Training for Trainers delivered online or on-site at higher education facilities as guest lecturers

  • Training tools for use by institution staff

  • The beginnings of an institutional memory in earth in design and construction

  • Feedback from students and HE institutions


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