All ECVET Learning Outcome Units
These Learning Outcome Units were written by a group of 18 organisations from eight European countries in the ECVET system. All of the ECVET Earth Units of Learning Outcomes have also been endorsed by the UNESCO Chair on Earthen Architecture. This means they are easily recognised by national training bodies and in the UK form the basis of both the National Occupational Standard for Earth Building and the National Vocational Qualification (NVQ).
“ECVET: European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training.”
The Units have been written in a collaborative approach with experience of professionals in various sectors from many nations, ensuring their applicability in any situation. Whether in a college or on site, the way training is delivered does not affect the use of these outcomes, as long as they are assessed by a skilled person.
The ECVET Units cover a wide range of topics, including:
Selecting and using materials, components, tools and equipment
Preparing and erecting Earthen structures
Conserve or restoring Earthen structures
Adopting safe, healthy, and environmentally responsible work practices
Interpreting information
More detail, background history and many more ECVET resources can be found on the Learn•Earth website
Below are links to all the available Units developed during this project. These are free to download and use, please feel free to get in touch with EBUKI with any questions about the resources.