European Earth Building and Assessment Training 2017
Mobilities are an opportunity to travel to Partner Organisations across Europe for Training in Earth Building and Training in Assessment of Earth Building Training funded by the Erasmus+ programme.
Project Leads: Rowland Keable, Becky Little, Tom Morton, Sally Mareike, Rebecca Reid
2017, Europe
Mobilities are about building your network…
Understanding the nature of the National Vocational Qualification for Earth Building and Plastering, each based on the ECVET Earth UNITS of Learning Outcomes is another step towards an earth building industry backed by a trained and qualified workforce. To gain that understanding and to disseminate it EBUKI applied for funding from the Erasmus+ programme to allow Earth Builders in the UK as well as Assessors in allied trades to travel to Partner organisations already training, assessing and issuing ECVET certificates.
This exposure to eco-construction individuals and organisations facing the same issues we have in the UK is an excellent opportunity to disseminate new thinking on a range issues facing earth builders in the UK and across Europe.
The mobilities offered cover travel and expenses but not time. They offer an excellent opportunity to network and learn about earth as a material, its use and ways to teach about it.
Skills training
Theory and practice, knowledge and skills, are fundamental to mobilities
For full reports on all the mobilities made in 2017 - 2018 please click HERE
In 2017 and 2018 the mobilities offered were:
France AsTerre
Slovakia ArTur
Germany Europäische Bildungsstätte für Lehmbau
Spain Estepa
Estonia Eestimaaehitus
Czech Sdružení hliněného stavitelství
Erasmus+ Mobility Schemes
Schemes like this play an essential role in building a national organisation like Ebuki which relies so much on its team and the wider members to participate and be involved in a range of activities. Each mobility participant is both a candidate for becoming more involved in our activities in the future after receiving the opportunity, and an ambassador for Ebuki to our wider network going forwards.
There are two main Eramus+ Schemes Ebuki has used: KA1 and KA2. We have seen both funds play a large, sometimes vital, role in allowing partner organisations to host projects, who may not have had the funding to do so otherwise.
A purely monetary fund, providing funds Ebuki assigns to an individual for travel, subsistence and training abroad, with some funds used by Ebuki directly for the administration of the contract.
Funding for development of policy or the identification of best practice for Earth Building across Europe. This is typically in conjunction with a number of partner organisations across Europe, bringing in a variety of understanding and expertise to develop best practice or appropriate policy. These can be a fantastic opportunity for individuals and organisations to understant the wider context of how policy is developed, both in their local area and across Europe. This also helps Ebuki become better informed in ways to improve our own organisation, inspired to try new approaches learnt by individuals who take part in the scheme.
The European Commission website holds all the 2017-18 EBUKI Mobilities reports.
The ECVET earth website has detailed information about the ECVET assessment scheme.
The Erasmus+ website gives more details about the European scheme.
Relevant EBUKI links
PIRATE project, JUMP project, events Clayfest 2015 & 2016
Knowledge and training available in other countries, travel costs can be a barrier to learning
Making training accessible to those who would otherwise not be able to travel
Funding from ERASMUS+ (KA1) - through the British Council
Training for Trainers partners visited Clayfest at Errol through Erasmus Mobilities
Sessions were run at Clayfest
Chalk and talk, adobe molds to make adobe blocks
A widening network of people with skills who are able to broaden opportunities for learners and trainers in earth building
Through the uptake of the National Occupational Standard (and qualifications through that) as well as the ECVET system